
The Day is Almost Here...

The day is almost here. We fly out of Brazil on Tuesday, June 13th - only a few days away. The day is almost here. We fly out of Brazil on Tuesday, June 13th - only a few days away. 

There is a lot to process emotionally and spiritually. There are a lot of logistics to closing out house, finances, packing, selling things, donating what didn't sell, etc. But, my friend and our church pastor sent me this today,

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day…So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:16,18

I wanted to inform everyone of our time line. We fly our on June 13th, will spend a few weeks in Chattanooga, TN then ventura to Birmingham in July and the kids will start school (still TBD) in August. 

The next chapter of life and ministry are upon us, and there is excitement and mourning. That the Lord would be the desire of our hearts as in Psalm 73:25-26,

Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.

Lots of people have asked how they can pray, here are some specifics:

  • For all that is involved in the flight to the US to be smooth. With 3 flights, 2 kids, 1 cat, and 10+ checked bags (including some oversized items) - there are lots of hiccups that could occur. And we honestly do not have the margin to deal with a lot of stress as parents right now.

  • There is a cold moving through our family these last days, and we would love to not have to fly sick - pray for healing and protection.

  • For our housing and school situation in Birmingham to finalize in time for registration in August. There are options; however, they are not finalized.  

  • For no issues to arise as we still close out financial liabilities in Brazil even after we leave.

How can you help? Several people have asked me this, and I will be candid in my response:

  • Pray for the things above. 

  • For any current or former supporters, extra 1-time gifts are much needed in these first months of moving from a Brazil-contextualized salary, taxes and benefits reality to a US-based reality. 

  • Or, if anyone wants to help in a personal way, Gifts Cards are an excellent option. We will be purchasing basic things for us and kids these next months, and these gift cards are very helpful. A few suggestions of store options: Amazon, Walmart, Target, TJ Maxx/Marshalls. 

    • My personal email for any electronic Gift cards is:

    • For physical address, please use my parent's Chattanooga address: 5778 N. Morgan Ln, Chattanooga, TN 37415

Thank you for your partnership, your care and your prayers!

Our attempt at being a Drink Offering

We ended 2022 as the de facto closing to many of our ministry responsibilities with the Campus Outreach team here in Belo Horizonte. Our time has been dedicated to the lengthy and slow immigration process for Tathiana, closing up our life in Brazil, selling our possessions and still continuing to invest as much as possible in relationships and personal ministry.

Beyond the ins and outs of personal ministry, still engaged in evangelism and church leadership, we have dedicated a lot of energy to the emotional swings that ebb and flow around us as we attempt to prepare well for this transition.

I want to update about a few highlights over the past months so you, our supporters who make this possible, can rejoice in God's continued hand on us and ministry through us. 

Church Leadership:

Jon continues to be dedicated to the church leadership elder board for our local church, Comunidade Horizonte. Each month there are many meetings and lots of discussion for our church as we decide on direction and strategy post-pandemic for our growing community. Pastoral needs are constant, and we are trying to shepherd well those who God has called to our community. In February, Jon organized a three-day elder retreat for the first time since our church officially organized 15 years ago. It was a great time for our elders and pastors to pray for one another, pray for members, and get away from the urgency to spend time and energy to look forward to where God is directing our church. 

Investing in the Next Generation:

In March, Jon had the absolute privilege to take two new Brazilian staff to a support-raising bootcamp in Curitiba, Brazil. It was a great jump start for Vitor and Lorrayne's practical support-raising process. We are praying that these two national staff can begin to pave the way for increased support raising in Brazil. It was extremely encouraging to spend time with dedicated Brazilian missionaries and ministers who have labored for years and to see them embrace biblical principles for missionary funding.

Continuing to the Spiritual Friendships:

Both Tathiana and Jon continue to engage in specific relationships that are efforts to be the light of Christ to those who do not believe or in the midst of a personal battle for belief. We want to pour ourselves out as a drink offering, as Paul mentioned in Philippians 2:17, as much as possible before we end this chapter of our life and ministry.

Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all. Philippians 2:17 ESV

Transition Update - May 2023

One last trip to say goodbye to Tathiana’s brother and his girlfriend.

The transition of our family to the US and to Campus Outreach Serve in Birmingham, AL has had its ups and downs. Here is a short list to update everyone on where we are and what is next to come.

  • September 2022 - submit Tathiana's residency process with US authorities.

  • November 2022 - communicate to supporters about our move to the US and to Campus Outreach Serve

  • December 2022 - close-out direct responsibilities with the COBH team in Brazil

  • February 2023 - Expedite Request with US Immigration was accepted and case was approved.

  • March 2023 - Payments and Supporting documentation to US authorities

  • April 2023 - All documentation approved and Consular Interview set for June

  • May 2023 - Tathiana's medical exams and Emergency Consular Interview rescheduled for May 15th in Rio de Janeiro

We have already been served by Campus Outreach Serve staff and a longtime Counselor and professional Psychologist in preparation for our transition for our family and the impact the international move will have on us all and, also, individually. I am currently working through the book Looming Transitions by Amy Young and its accompanying workbook with family activities.

And in the midst of all this, I admit there have been some challenges. 

  • Just WAITING is never fun. And the date we wanted to make our move to settle and spend time with family in the US before school starts in August is slipping by and we are still here.

  • Our house was broken into on Easter Sunday. Most of our electronics were stolen and some other things. We have been in a long process with our insurance company to see about coverage and reimbursements. 

  • Trying to search for viable housing in Birmingham from afar is challenging. I did learn a lot about US financing, mortgages and all that adult stuff that I spent 20 years not having any experience.

These next weeks could become very fast-moving after Tathiana's interview at the Consulate in Rio on May 15th. However, we try hard not to get our hopes up until we have concrete answers and documentation in our hands. Please pray for the final chapters of closing out a life in Brazil and for the multitude of things that will begin to call attention once we land in the US.